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# 4K-BPM-SCLork
"4K/BPM SCLOrk" is an electronic composition for any amount of laptop performers - but preferably 10 or more. It is written in SuperCollider and developed for Santa Clara University's laptop orchestra, thanks to Bruno Ruviaro. The composition is based on an 8-channel sound installation "4K/BPM Sonoretum" created for "Sonoretum" project at KAPELICA gallery in Ljubljana in 2014, thanks to Marko Košnik, Sandra Sajovic and Jurij Krpan.
## User's guide
In constrast to the Sonoretum version, which was created as an autonomously-running algorhythmic composition, SCLOrk version needs laptop performers.
### Draft setup:
audio interface
mono out 1 -> a speaker
3+4 out: headphones
midi interfaces:
- quneo
- wiimote
the patch