Fork 0

319 lines
9.3 KiB

Copyright (c) 2016 Luka Prinčič, All rights reserved.
This program is free software distributed under
GNU General Public Licence. See COPYING for more info.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// basic screen settings
void settings() {
fullScreen(P3D, 2);
//size(1280, 720, P3D);
// load libs
import oscP5.*; // Open Sound Control
import netP5.*;
import processing.video.*;
//import gohai.glvideo.*;
// DECLARATIONS --------------- //
// OSC object
OscP5 oscP5;
String oscVal1;
float oscVal2;
// temporary
float ampColor;
// image pool, a 2D array
PImage[][] imgPool;
// video pool, a 2D array
Movie[][] vidPool;
// screenClean
float screenCleanHue, screenCleanSaturation, screenCleanBrightness,
screenCleanAlpha, screenCleanFlickrAmount, screenCleanFlickrSpeed;
// drawFlylinesfly
boolean drawFlylinesflyToggle = false;
int drawFlylinesflyCurvesNumInit = 7000, // init
drawFlylinesflyCurvesNum = 127, // dynamic
drawFlylinesflyPixBank = 0, drawFlylinesflyPixId = 1;
float drawFlylinesflySpeed = 20, drawFlylinesflyDirection = 0, drawFlylinesSensitivity = 1,
drawFlylinesflyBrightDirection = 64, // 0-64-127
drawFlylinesflyRotation = 0, drawFlylinesflyBrightRotation = 0;
int drawFlylinesHue = 0, drawFlylinesSatur = 0, drawFlylinesBright = 127, drawFlylinesAlpha = 27;
float drawFlylinesBrightAlpha = 127;
int drawFlylinesLineLength = 20;
float drawFlylinesBrightLength = 0;
int drawFlylinesStrokeWeight = 2;
int drawFlylinesPixHue = 127, drawFlylinesPixSatur = 127,
drawFlylinesPixBright = 127, drawFlylinesPixAlpha = 10;
float[] curveX = new float[drawFlylinesflyCurvesNumInit];
float[] curveY = new float[drawFlylinesflyCurvesNumInit];
// drawPlates
boolean drawPlatesToggle = false;
int drawPlatesimgAbank = 0, drawPlatesimgAid = 9;
int drawPlatesTexAspeed = 1, drawPlatesTexAdirection = 16;
int drawPlatesimgATopLeft = 64, drawPlatesimgATopRight = 64,
drawPlatesimgABotRight = 64, drawPlatesimgABotleft = 64;
int drawPlatesimgAalpha = 127, drawPlatesimgAhue = 0, drawPlatesimgAbright = 127;
int drawPlatesimgBbank = 0, drawPlatesimgBid = 1;
int drawPlatesTexBspeed = 1, drawPlatesTexBdirection = 0;
int drawPlatesimgBTopLeft = 64, drawPlatesimgBTopRight = 64,
drawPlatesimgBBotRight = 64, drawPlatesimgBBotleft = 64;
int drawPlatesimgBalpha = 64, drawPlatesimgBhue = 64, drawPlatesimgBbright = 127;
int drawPlatesimgCbank = 0, drawPlatesimgCid = 2;
int drawPlatesTexCspeed = 1, drawPlatesTexCdirection = 96;
int drawPlatesimgCTopLeft = 64, drawPlatesimgCTopRight = 64,
drawPlatesimgCBotRight = 64, drawPlatesimgCBotleft = 64;
int drawPlatesimgCalpha = 64, drawPlatesimgChue = 0, drawPlatesimgCbright = 127;
int drawPlatesimgBblendMode = 8, drawPlatesimgCblendMode = 8;
int drawPlatesSaturation = 0;
int drawPlatesCoordError = 0;
// tiles
boolean drawTilesToggle = false;
int drawTilesBgHue, drawTilesBgSat, drawTilesBgBri = 64, drawTilesHue, drawTilesSat, drawTilesBri = 64;
int drawTilesHueDistance = 20, drawTilesBlendMode = 0;
int drawTilesNumX = 3, drawTilesNumY = 3, drawTilesTexBank = 0, drawTilesTexId = 1;
float drawTilesTexSpeedX = 10, drawTilesTexSpeedY = 10, drawTilesOverlap = 10;
float texX = 0; // globals?
float texY = 0;
// image blender
boolean drawImageBlenderToggle = false;
int drawImageBlenderBank = 0, drawImageBlenderID = 2, iblNum = 1;
float iblX = 0, iblY = 0, iblWidth = 600, iblHeight = 100;
float iblRot; // radians need a float
float iblSpeedX, iblSpeedY;
float iblSpeedXfactor = 0, iblSpeedYfactor = 0;
float[] iblTexXY = new float[2]; // global object for texture coordinates
float iblTexWidth, iblTexHeight;
float iblTexSpeedX, iblTexSpeedY;
float iblTexSpeedXfactor, iblTexSpeedYfactor;
int iblH, iblS = 0, iblB = 100, iblA = 255; // stroke color / tint
int iblBflicker = 0; // flicker (Brightness)
float iblItX = 0, iblItY = 0, iblItTexX = 0, iblItTexY = 0, iblItRot;
// video player
boolean playVideoToggle = false;
boolean playVideoPausePlay = true;
boolean playVideoLoop = false;
int playVideoBank = 0, playVideoID = 0;
int playVideoHue, playVideoSaturation, playVideoBrightness,
playVideoAlpha, playVideoJump;
int playVideoSpeed;
//float playVideoPosition = 0;
// ?
int flickCount = 2; // 2,3,4 or 5
// generate an array of random numbers
int[] rands = new int[500];
// testPicture
boolean testPictureToggle = false;
PFont testFont;
// fps
boolean displayFpsToggle = false;
PFont fpsFont;
// regular snapshots / improve: snap when buttonPress(SC-GUI)
boolean autoSnapToggle = false;
void setup() { // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// framerate
//frameRate(60); // looks like 60fps by default, see displayFps function
// setup open sound control
println("~~~ starting oscP5 ...");
oscP5 = new OscP5(this,12000); // listening at port 12000
//oscP5.plug(this,"hhosc","/highhat"); // osc from SuperCollider -> function 'scosc'
// get all textures into an image pool
println("\n\n~~~ loading textures into image pool ...\n");
imgPool = getImages("/images/");
// get all videos into an video pool
println("\n\n~~~ loading videos into videos pool ...\n");
vidPool = getVideos("/videos/");
// create an array of random value between -250 and 250
for (int i=0; i < 500; i++) { rands[i] = i-250; }
// testPicture font
testFont = createFont("Oliver's Barney", 50);
// fps
fpsFont = createFont("Ubuntu Mono", 12);
println("~~~ setup() finished. now to the draw() ...");
void draw() { // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// clean screen
( screenCleanHue,
screenCleanFlickrSpeed );
( drawFlylinesflyToggle,
drawFlylinesflyPixBank, drawFlylinesflyPixId,
drawFlylinesflySpeed, drawFlylinesflyDirection, drawFlylinesSensitivity,
drawFlylinesflyRotation, drawFlylinesflyBrightRotation,
drawFlylinesHue, drawFlylinesSatur, drawFlylinesBright,
drawFlylinesAlpha, drawFlylinesBrightAlpha,
drawFlylinesLineLength, drawFlylinesBrightLength, drawFlylinesStrokeWeight,
drawFlylinesPixHue, drawFlylinesPixSatur, drawFlylinesPixBright, drawFlylinesPixAlpha );
( drawPlatesToggle,
drawPlatesimgAbank, drawPlatesimgAid,
drawPlatesTexAspeed, drawPlatesTexAdirection,
drawPlatesimgATopLeft, drawPlatesimgATopRight,
drawPlatesimgABotRight, drawPlatesimgABotleft,
drawPlatesimgAalpha, drawPlatesimgAhue, drawPlatesimgAbright,
drawPlatesimgBbank, drawPlatesimgBid,
drawPlatesTexBspeed, drawPlatesTexBdirection,
drawPlatesimgBTopLeft, drawPlatesimgBTopRight,
drawPlatesimgBBotRight, drawPlatesimgBBotleft,
drawPlatesimgBalpha, drawPlatesimgBhue, drawPlatesimgBbright,
drawPlatesimgCbank, drawPlatesimgCid,
drawPlatesTexCspeed, drawPlatesTexCdirection,
drawPlatesimgCTopLeft, drawPlatesimgCTopRight,
drawPlatesimgCBotRight, drawPlatesimgCBotleft,
drawPlatesimgCalpha, drawPlatesimgChue, drawPlatesimgCbright,
drawPlatesimgBblendMode, drawPlatesimgCblendMode,
drawPlatesCoordError // 0-127
( drawTilesToggle,
drawTilesBgHue, drawTilesBgSat, drawTilesBgBri, drawTilesHue, drawTilesSat, drawTilesBri,
drawTilesHueDistance, // tile hue distance
drawTilesBlendMode, // blendMode
drawTilesNumX, // number of drawTiles on X axis
drawTilesNumY, // number of drawTiles on Y axis
drawTilesTexBank, // texture bank number
drawTilesTexId, // texture number/id
drawTilesTexSpeedX, // texture speed X
drawTilesTexSpeedY, // texture speed Y
drawTilesOverlap // overlap. 127 = 300%
( drawImageBlenderToggle,
drawImageBlenderBank, drawImageBlenderID,
// iblImg1,
iblX, iblY, iblWidth, iblHeight,
iblSpeedX, iblSpeedY,
iblSpeedXfactor, iblSpeedYfactor,
iblTexWidth, iblTexHeight,
iblTexSpeedX, iblTexSpeedY,
iblTexSpeedXfactor, iblTexSpeedYfactor,
iblH, iblS, iblB, iblA,
iblItX, iblItY,
iblItTexX, iblItTexY, iblItRot
( playVideoToggle,
playVideoBank, playVideoID,
playVideoHue, playVideoSaturation,
playVideoBrightness, playVideoAlpha, playVideoJump, playVideoSpeed
if(playVideoJump != 1000) {
playVideoJump = 1000;
// draw test picture
// frames per second
// document
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//void mousePressed() {
// vidPool[0][0].jump(map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, vidPool[0][0].duration()));