Fork 0

many changes, cleanups...

Luka Prinčič 2023-05-02 18:53:11 +02:00
parent 54b27d4154
commit fa232b972b
4 changed files with 459 additions and 491 deletions

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@ -6,3 +6,41 @@
// function to (re)launch effect busses
~launchBusses = {
// feedback delay bus // -----------------------------------------------------------
~localfdlyBus.free; ~localfdlyBus = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~localFeedFX.free; ~localFeedFX = Synth(\localFeedbackDelay1, [\inBus, ~localfdlyBus, \outBus, 0, \amount, 0.9], addAction:\addToTail);
// control
//~localFeedFX.set(\amount, 0.9)
// low pass filter // ----------------------------------------------------------------
~lpfFXBus1.free; ~lpfFXBus1 = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~lpfFX1.free; ~lpfFX1 = Synth(\lpfFX, [\inBus, ~lpfFXBus1, \outBus, ~localfdlyBus, \cutoff, 20000], target: ~localFeedFX, addAction:\addBefore);
// control
//~lpfFX1.set(\cutoffLag, 2, \cutoff, 50)
//~lpfFX1.set(\cutoffLag, 3, \cutoff, 20000)
// reverb fx ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
~revFXbus1.free; ~revFXbus1 = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~reverb1 = Synth(\revfx, [\inBus, ~revFXbus1, \wet, 1], addAction:\addToTail);
// saturation fx -------------------------------------------------------------------------
~satBus1.free; ~satBus1 = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~saturator1.free; ~saturator1 = Synth(\saturator, [\inBus, ~satBus1, \amp, 1], addAction:\addToTail);
//~saturator1.set(\amp, 1)
//~saturator1.set(\amp, 0)

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
~conOsc = NetAddr.new("localhost", 12000);
//~conOsc = NetAddr.new("roosta.remote", 12000);
//~conOsc = NetAddr.new("roosta.local", 12000);
~sOsc = { // helper function to reduce redundancy
arg target, value;
target = "/" +/+ target; // +/+ does not add whitespace
@ -84,6 +84,14 @@
~sOsc.("drawPlatesTexCspeed", 0);
~sOsc.("drawPlatesToggle", 1);
~oscTitles8 = {
~sOsc.("drawPlatesimgCid", 9);
~sOsc.("drawPlatesimgCbank", 7);
~sOsc.("drawPlatesimgCblendMode", 7);
~sOsc.("drawPlatesTexCspeed", 0);
~sOsc.("drawPlatesToggle", 1);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -35,5 +35,18 @@ s.freeAllBuffers; // free all buffers now!
~bfrList.add(Buffer.readChannel(s, item.fullPath, channels:[0])); // [0] forces mono!
" \n\n".postln;
"~~~ setting server latency to 0.05".postln;
// server latency for Patterns?
s.latency = 0.05; // nujno za video!
"~~~ setting defaut tempo to 120/120".postln;
// init tempo
TempoClock.default.tempo = 120/120;
"... done.\n\n".postln;