81 lines
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81 lines
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// evaluate to add a synth recipe to the server
SynthDef(\varDsine, {
arg gate=1, freq=100, amp, pan, out=0, clip=1, release;
var snd, env, vibrato;
vibrato = 1 + (
* 0.003
* Env.adsr(0.5, 0, 1, 3, curve:4).kr(2, gate)
freq = freq * vibrato;
freq = freq * (0.995 + (LFNoise1.ar(0.5)*0.01));
env = Env.adsr(0, 0.3, 0.4, 3, 1, -7).kr(2,gate);
snd = (SinOsc.ar(freq, mul:0.5) * clip).softclip(1) * 0.9;
snd = LPF.ar(snd, freq * 5); // make it less bright
snd = snd * env * amp;
snd = Pan2.ar(snd, pan);
Out.ar(out, snd);
Pdef(\playD).play// start playing the pattern which is not yet defined
Pdef(\playD).fadeTime = 0; //
// define the pattern. it should play.
// make changes and re-evaluate without stopping
Pdef(\playD, {
\instrument, \varDsine,
\dur, Pseq([1/4,1/4,1/8,1/8,1/4,1/4,],inf) * Pseq([0.9,1.1] * 1,inf),
\octave, [2.99, 4.01, 5, 6.01], // x 4 synths, expanded
\scale, Scale.gong(\pythagorean),
//\mtranspose, Prand([Pn(0,30),Pn(1,30),Pn(-1,30),Pn(2,30),Pn(-2,30)],inf),
\mtranspose, Pstutter(30, Pwalk([0,1,-1,2,-2],1)),
\degree, Pseq([0,0,1,2,2,0,0,2,4,6,7], inf),
\clip, Prand([3,50,8,12,16,20,30],inf),
\detune, 0,
\legato, 0.1,
\amp, 0.1,
( // simple example
Pdef(\playD, {
\instrument, \varDsine,
\dur, Pseq([1, 2, 1, 4, 3 ] * 0.2,inf), // durations of notes
\octave, [3,4,5], // octave (3 is pretty low)
\scale, Scale.minor(\pythagorean), // try Scale.major or Scale.minor
\mtranspose, Prand([[0,3],[0,2]],inf), // modal transposition, try 1 or 2 or 3
\degree, Pseq([0,0,1,2,2,0,0,2,4,6,7], inf), // NOTES within a scale
\clip, Prand([3,50,8,12,16,20,30],inf), // makes different timbre, randomly
\legato, 0.6, // try anything between 0.1 - 3 or more of you dare
\amp, 0, // gain/loudness
\pan, Prand([ { 2.0.rand - 1 } ],inf),
\out, 0
//\pan, 0
Pdef(\playD).clear // stop and clear
// see all scales that you can use
// see all tunings you can use
Env.cutoff(1, 3, 4).plot;
Env.circle([0, 1, 0,0.5,0.2,0.6], [0.01, 0.5, 0.2]).plot |