# *ark'd, amorphic* development LOG ## 7.apr, 2020 Started to sketch more into my notebook: MATERIALS: - samples - granular syn. - glitches, basskicks, highhats - leads, pads, basses - SynthDefs, Buffers (loading) TRYING THINGS OUT ub a different workflow with Ndef and Proxies? ARCHITECTURE - master bus - sends? - control busses PATTERNS - nested - Ppar, conductor? ## 8.apr, 2020 Ended up with two kinda finished SynthDefs - a granulator (I wonder how could it be made more reusable, there's space for improvement), and a supersaw, that is still quite soft - I think quite useful for some deep ground here and there. I have managed to make it quite clean, and learned a lot in the process, especially regarding the Splay and panning and stereo balancing. Basic loading of whatever is in lib/ and smp/ folders now works. Will need to be improved on the way. I'm kinda moving towards a self-baked framework for composing *dance* tracks, or at least beat-based stuff. It's probably the only way - to build everything by yourself (of course so much has been built within SuperCollider too on top of which I'm building now. There's now also just a basic Buffer player. I was thinking to just create number of different SynthDefs, all some kind of specific synth sounds - pads, leads, basses, etc. I'm also thinking to get onto the single-cycle waveforms collection and use that for table oscilators: Osc, COsc, VOsc, VOsc3... I also init remote git repo on git.tmp.si/luka/ark_d.amorphic and pushed current work there (here?). ## 9.apr, 2020 Three hours of play and learning in the morning. Learned how to use ```Ndef``` and then experimented with first building a synth (using Ndef) with sine and pulse oscilators, adding detuning and filter, converting to a ```SynthDef``` and using ```Ndef``` to play with a ```Pbind```: ``` ( SynthDef(\sinPulz, { arg gate = 1, freq, out=0, amp = 1, attackTime=0.01, releaseTime=1, oscDetune=0.05, cutoff=1; var snd, env; oscDetune = oscDetune * 0.1; oscDetune = oscDetune+1; env = Linen.kr(gate, attackTime:attackTime, releaseTime:releaseTime, doneAction:2); snd = SinOsc.ar([freq, freq*oscDetune]) ; snd = snd + SinOsc.ar([freq*2, freq*oscDetune*2]) ; snd = snd + Pulse.ar([freq/2,(freq/2)*oscDetune]) * LFNoise1.kr(0.5).exprange(2,40); snd = snd.softclip; snd = RLPF.ar(snd, freq: //LFNoise1.kr(0.01).exprange(4000,300), freq * cutoff, rq:0.4); snd = snd * env * amp * 0.4; Out.ar(out, snd); }).add; ) // add a delay/reverb bus here? // first press play :) Ndef(\ba).play // set default quant Ndef(\ba).proxyspace.quant = 5; ( Ndef(\ba, Pbindf( Ppar([ Pbind( \octave, [4,5,7], \amp, [0.1,0.2,0.005], \degree, Pseq([0,3,4,2,6], inf), \dur, Prand([1,0.5,2], inf), ), Pbind( \octave, [3,6], \degree, Pseq([[0,-3],4,6,3,2], inf), \dur, 3.5, \amp, 0.2, \legato, 0.6, \attackTime, 2, \releaseTime, 2, )]), // common parameters \instrument, \sinPulz, \oscDetune, Prand([1,3,7]*0.01, inf), \scale, Scale.minor.tuning_(\just), \cutoff, Prand([1,2,3,4,5,6], inf) ) ) ) ``` - ## 10.apr, 2020 Implemented bus routing while using Ndef so I could hear the yesterday's melodies in more rich reverb/delay kinda space: ``` ~reverBus = Bus.audio(s,2); Ndef(\ba).play(~reverBus, addAction: \addToHead) ~reverbDelay = Synth(\verbDelayFX, [\inBus, ~reverBus, \outBus, 0], addAction: \addAfter); ``` ... and then the ```Pbind``` or ```Pbindf``` need ``` \out, ~reverBus ``` inside. I then went on to find ways how to load single-cycle waveforms and discovered that the collection I have has them all in size of 600 samples. Which SC doesn't like in order to oscilate them with ```Osc.ar``` and use them as wavetables. However it's possible to oscilate them with ```BufRd.ar``` which I tested and played a little with it: ``` Ndef(\bosc).play Ndef(\bosc).fadeTime=2; ( Ndef(\bosc, { var buffer = ~smpBuffers[2], freq = 30, oscDetune = 1.01, amp = 0.2; BufRd.ar(1, bufnum:buffer, phase: LFSaw.ar([freq,freq*oscDetune]) * BufFrames.ir(buffer)) * amp //+ SinOsc.ar(60.2) * 0.5; } ); ) ``` ... but then I discovered and started to read on Buffer filling methods and ```Harmonics``` class. It's a sine harmonics factory with number of different methods how to manipulate the frequencies and amps for them. It took me a while to understand what exactly is going on, but now I understand and I'm curious about all different ways how one can fill a buffer with various waveforms to use in synths. the main ark_d.scd is in complete disarray, because I'm using it as a testing ground. I should be working in SC_Workspace, but then I would not be able to work on different machines (I would need to continue saving the Workspace, yeah.). That was about 3.5 hours of work today. I feel I'm far from something musically concrete, but **I'm showing up**. - ##