
60 lines
2.4 KiB

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// --------------------------------
// if using virtual piano, internally:
s.latency = 0.26;
// if using disklavier, with 0.5s delay
s.latency = 0.75;
s.meter; s.plotTree; s.scope;
// {!2 * 0.5}.play
m = MIDIOut(0);
// connect sc midi to midi input of whatever
// (virtual) piano you are using
// connect a copy of a signal your virtual piano
// back to SuperCollider inputs. keep main out from
// virtual piano
// this project used Salamander Grand SFZ sound font
// loaded into a Renoise.
( // evaluate this first to initialize busses etc..
~locPath =;
// init loads samples, libs, fx.
this.executeFile(~locPath ++ "00_init.scd")
) // re-eval whenever you press ctrl-. (stopping sound)
// eval each of these lines for the complete track:
// 1.
this.executeFile(~locPath ++ "BLACK_HOLE_BLACK_STAR.scd")
// 2.
this.executeFile(~locPath ++ "MELLOW_PULSES.scd")
// 3.
this.executeFile(~locPath ++ "SINODA_LULLABY.scd")