// posted this earlier this year at // http://sccode.org/1-5cM ( SynthDef("plucking", {arg out = 0, amp = 0.1, freq = 440, decay = 5, coef = 0.1; var env, snd; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.linen(0, decay, 0), doneAction: 2); snd = Pluck.ar( in: PinkNoise.ar(amp), trig: Impulse.kr(0), maxdelaytime: 0.1, delaytime: freq.reciprocal, decaytime: decay, coef: coef); snd = LeakDC.ar(snd).clip2; Out.ar(out, snd * env); }).add; b = Bus.audio(s,1); SynthDef("reverbBus", { arg outBus = 0, inBus, wet = 0.5; var input, rev; input = In.ar(inBus,1); rev = JPverb.ar(input * wet, t60:3); Out.ar(outBus, input + rev); }).add; ) ( // start reverb at the end of the group ~reverb = Synth("reverbBus", [\inBus, b, \wet, 0.6]); Pbind( \instrument, "plucking", \out, b, \scale, Scale.major.tuning_(\just), \octave, 4, \degree, Pseq([1,3,7,8,Prand([7,10,11,13,14]),8,7,3], inf), \dur, Pseq([Pwrand([ Pseq([0.2,0.2]), //0.2, 0.4, Pseq([0.1],4), Pseq([0.05],4)], [0.5,0.3,0.1,0.1] // weights )], 240), \coef, Pwrand([0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2], [0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1], inf), \amp, 1, \addAction, 0, // make sure new synths are added to head of group (optional) ).play; ) // set reverb 'wetness' ~reverb.set(\wet,1); ( // set tempo var bpm = 50; t = TempoClock.default; t.tempo_(bpm/60) // beats per minute )