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cleaning, commenting wrangle melos

Luka Prinčič 2020-11-21 21:24:29 +01:00
parent 0849da9ba7
commit 3f7f6d0274
1 changed files with 10 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
SynthDef(\sin1, {
arg freq=440, out=0, gate=1, amp=0.1, release=0, cutoff=10, rq=0.5;
var snd, env;
freq = [freq,freq*1.01];
env = Linen.kr(gate, attackTime: 0.001, releaseTime: release, doneAction:2);
snd = SinOsc.ar(freq) + Saw.ar(freq*1.004, mul:0.3) + Pulse.ar(freq*0.996, mul:0.4);
@ -20,26 +21,27 @@ SynthDef(\sin1, {
snd = RLPF.ar(snd, cutoff, rq);
snd = snd * env;
snd = snd * amp;
//snd = Limiter.ar(snd, 0.9);
//snd = snd.clip2(0.01) * 7;
Out.ar(out, snd);
SynthDef(\dlywrangler, {
arg out=0, in, wet=0.1, wet2=0.5;
var snd, dly2;
snd = In.ar(in,2);
dly2 = CombN.ar(HPF.ar(snd,300), 1, [0.5,0.77], 5, mul: LFNoise1.kr(0.1).range(0.4,0.1) * 2 * wet2);
snd = CombN.ar(snd, 1, Lag.ar(LFNoise0.ar(1).range(0.01,0.1),0.1), 3, mul:wet) + snd;
snd = Limiter.ar(snd, 0.8);
snd = snd + dly2;
Out.ar(out, snd);
// create delaymangler comb // on ctrl+. you need to reeval this
~dlywrang1 = Synth(\dlywrangler, [\out, 0, \in, ~delay1]);
~dlywrang1.set(\wet2, 0.6);
~dlywrang1.set(\wet2, 0.8); // normal space delay
( // basics
@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ Pbindef(\y3,
// change these freely without restarting other patterns
// shuffle?
@ -87,10 +90,12 @@ Pbindef(\y3, \degree, Pseq( [ [7,0], 2, -1, Prand([4,5]), Prand([-2,Pseq([2,6])]
Pbindef(\y3, \octave, 4)
Pbindef(\y3, \octave, [4,5])
Pbindef(\y3, \octave, [4,5,6])
Pbindef(\y3, \octave, [4,5,6] + Pwrand([0,0,1,-1],[0.7,0.1,0.1,0.1],inf))
Pbindef(\y3, \octave, [4,5,6] + Pwrand([0,2,1,-1],[0.7,0.1,0.1,0.1],inf))
Pbindef(\y3, \octave, [4,5,6] + Pwrand([0,2,1, 3],[0.7,0.1,0.1,0.1],inf))
Pbindef(\y3, \octave, Pstutter(32, Pseq( [5, [4,5], [4,5,6] ], inf), inf))
Pbindef(\y3, \octave, Pstutter(32, Pseq( [5, [4,5], [4,5,6] ], inf), inf) + Pwrand( [0,1,1,-1], [0.7,0.1,0.1,0.1], inf))
Pbindef(\y3, \octave, [4,5,6] + Pwrand([0,0,1,-1],[0.7,0.1,0.1,0.1],inf))
Pbindef(\y3, \octave, [4,5,6] + Pwrand([0,2,1,3],[0.7,0.1,0.1,0.1],inf))
Pbindef(\y3, \octave, Pstutter(32, Pseq( [5, [4,5], [4,5,6] ], inf), inf) + Pwrand( [0,1,2,-1], [0.7,0.1,0.1,0.1], inf))
// mtranspose
Pbindef(\y3, \mtranspose, 0)