(/* Copyright (c) 2020 Luka Prinčič, All rights reserved. This program is free software distributed under GNU General Public Licence. See COPYING for more info. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // RHIZOSPHERE - STEKLENIK 2020 - CONA ////////////////////////////////////////////// ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗██╗███████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███████╗██████╗ ███████╗ ██╔══██╗██║ ██║██║╚══███╔╝██╔═══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║ ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔════╝ ██████╔╝███████║██║ ███╔╝ ██║ ██║███████╗██████╔╝███████║█████╗ ██████╔╝█████╗ ██╔══██╗██╔══██║██║ ███╔╝ ██║ ██║╚════██║██╔═══╝ ██╔══██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗██╔══╝ ██║ ██║██║ ██║██║███████╗╚██████╔╝███████║██║ ██║ ██║███████╗██║ ██║███████╗ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝ */ Server.default.waitForBoot { // library path var libPath = PathName(thisProcess.nowExecutingPath.dirname +/+ "lib"); // for each files in that lib folder libPath.filesDo({|afile| // tell me what you're executing: postln(" ." + afile.fileName); // execute it: this.executeFile(afile.fullPath); }); }); s.meter; s.plotTree; s.sync; // octoPan busses ////////////// ( "\n\n\n=============================================================".postln; "\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>".postln; "--- R H I Z O S P H E R E -----".postln; ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n".postln; // free busses and panners when re-trying things? ~octoBus1.free; ~octoBus2.free; ~octoBus3.free; ~octoBus4.free; ~panBus1x.free; ~panBus1y.free; ~panBus1r.free; ~panBus2x.free; ~panBus2y.free; ~panBus2r.free; ~panBus3x.free; ~panBus3y.free; ~panBus3r.free; ~panBus4x.free; ~panBus4y.free; ~panBus4r.free; ~revBus.free; // octoBus1 + panners and control busses: ~octoBus1 = Bus.audio(s,1); ~panBus1x = Bus.control(s,1); ~panBus1y = Bus.control(s,1); ~panBus1r = Bus.control(s,1); ~panBus1y.value = 0.14; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus1x.value = 0; ~panBus1r.value = 1; // octoBus2 + panners and control busses: ~octoBus2 = Bus.audio(s,1); ~panBus2x = Bus.control(s,1); ~panBus2y = Bus.control(s,1); ~panBus2r = Bus.control(s,1); ~panBus2y.value = 0.14; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus2x.value = 0; ~panBus2r.value = 2; // octoBus3 + panners and control busses: ~octoBus3 = Bus.audio(s,1); ~panBus3x = Bus.control(s,1); ~panBus3y = Bus.control(s,1); ~panBus3r = Bus.control(s,1); ~panBus3y.value = 0.14; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus3x.value = 0; ~panBus3r.value = 2; // octoBus4 + panners and control busses: ~octoBus4 = Bus.audio(s,1); ~panBus4x = Bus.control(s,1); ~panBus4y = Bus.control(s,1); ~panBus4r = Bus.control(s,1); ~panBus4y.value = 0.14; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus4x.value = 0; ~panBus4r.value = 2; // 8chan reverb bus ~revBus = Bus.audio(s,8); ">>> loaded all busses".postln; "--- loading octoPanners ...".postln; ~octoPanner1 = Synth("octoPanner", [\inBus, ~octoBus1, \outBus, ~revBus], addAction: \addToTail); ~octoPanner1.map(\x, ~panBus1x); ~octoPanner1.map(\y, ~panBus1y); ~octoPanner1.map(\radius, ~panBus1r); ~octoPanner2 = Synth("octoPanner", [\inBus, ~octoBus2, \outBus, ~revBus], addAction: \addToTail); ~octoPanner2.map(\x, ~panBus2x); ~octoPanner2.map(\y, ~panBus2y); ~octoPanner2.map(\radius, ~panBus2r); ~octoPanner3 = Synth("octoPanner", [\inBus, ~octoBus3, \outBus, ~revBus], addAction: \addToTail); ~octoPanner3.map(\x, ~panBus3x); ~octoPanner3.map(\y, ~panBus3y); ~octoPanner3.map(\radius, ~panBus3r); ~octoPanner4 = Synth("octoPanner", [\inBus, ~octoBus4, \outBus, ~revBus], addAction: \addToTail); ~octoPanner4.map(\x, ~panBus4x); ~octoPanner4.map(\y, ~panBus4y); ~octoPanner4.map(\radius, ~panBus4r); // 4 x stereo reverbs are fixed to outputs ([0,1][2,3][4,5][6,7]) not panners! ~reverb = Synth("reverBusser", [\inBus, ~revBus, \outBus, 0], addAction: \addToTail); // some default oscilations of pan and reverb ">>> cleaning up panner_x and panner_y control synths...".postln; ~panner1y.free; ~panner2y.free; ~panner3y.free; ~panner4y.free; ~panner1x.free; ~panner2x.free; ~panner3x.free; ~panner4x.free; // REVERBS ">>> cleaning up reverb busses and wet oscilators...".postln; ~reverb1wetBus.free; // ~wetOsc.free; // clean up ~reverb2wetBus.free; // ~wetOsc.free; // clean up ~reverb3wetBus.free; // ~wetOsc.free; // clean up ~reverb4wetBus.free; // ~wetOsc.free; // clean up ~wetOsc1.free; ~wetOsc2.free; ~wetOsc3.free; ~wetOsc4.free; ">>> setting up reverb control buses and param oscilators...".postln; ~reverb1wetBus = Bus.control(s, 1); // create control bus ~reverb.map(\verb1wet, ~reverb1wetBus); // map an argument to control bus ~reverb2wetBus = Bus.control(s, 1); // create control bus ~reverb.map(\verb2wet, ~reverb2wetBus); // map an argument to control bus ~reverb3wetBus = Bus.control(s, 1); // create control bus ~reverb.map(\verb3wet, ~reverb3wetBus); // map an argument to control bus ~reverb4wetBus = Bus.control(s, 1); // create control bus ~reverb.map(\verb4wet, ~reverb4wetBus); // map an argument to control bus ~wetOsc1 = SynthDef(\randomVerb1, {Out.kr(~reverb1wetBus, LFNoise2.kr(1).range(0, 0.8)) }).play; ~wetOsc2 = SynthDef(\randomVerb2, {Out.kr(~reverb2wetBus, LFNoise2.kr(1).range(0, 0.8)) }).play; ~wetOsc3 = SynthDef(\randomVerb3, {Out.kr(~reverb3wetBus, LFNoise2.kr(1).range(0, 0.8)) }).play; ~wetOsc4 = SynthDef(\randomVerb4, {Out.kr(~reverb4wetBus, LFNoise2.kr(1).range(0, 0.8)) }).play; // ~wetOsc.free; // ~reverb.set(\verb1wet, 0); // ~reverb.set(\verb1wet, 1); // ~reverb.set(\verb2wet, 1); ">>> finished loading all busses and control synths for panning etc ...".postln; "".postln; ); //( //var timeLine; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // P E R F O R M A N C E ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PANNERS // x=0:y=[ 0.00 / 0.28 / 0.57 / 0.85 ] // x=1:y=[ 1.00 / 0.71 / 0.43 / 0.14 ] ( // free all control synths for panning ~panner1y.free; ~panner2y.free; ~panner3y.free; ~panner4y.free; ~panner1x.free; ~panner2x.free; ~panner3x.free; ~panner4x.free; ) ~panBus1x.value = 0; ~panBus1y.value = 0; ~panBus1r.value = 1; ~panBus2x.value = 0; ~panBus2y.value = 0.28; ~panBus2r.value = 1; ~panBus3x.value = 1; ~panBus3y.value = 0.28; ~panBus3r.value = 1; ~panner3y = SynthDef(\oscPanY3, { Out.kr(~panBus3y, SinOsc.kr(2).range(1,0.14))}).play; ~panner3y.free; ~panBus4x.value = 1; ~panBus4y.value = 0.28; ~panBus4r.value = 1; ~panner3y = SynthDef(\oscPanY4, { Out.kr(~panBus4y, SinOsc.kr(2).range(1,0.14))}).play; ~panner3y.free; // SYNTHS // noise Cracle ~noiseCr1 = Synth(\noiseCrackle, [\out, ~octoBus1, \fadeTime, 30, \lpfa, 1, \hpfa, 0 ]); ~noiseCr1.set(\rq, 0.98); ~noiseCr1.set(\lpfa, 1); ~noiseCr1.set(\hpfa, 0); ~noiseCr1.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 1); ~noiseCr1.free; ~noiseCr2 = Synth(\noiseCrackle, [\out, ~octoBus2, \fadeTime, 30, \lpfa, 1, \hpfa, 0 ]); ~noiseCr2.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 1); ~noiseCr2.free; ~noiseCr3 = Synth(\noiseCrackle, [\out, ~octoBus3, \fadeTime, 30, \lpfa, 0, \hpfa, 1 ]); ~noiseCr3.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 1); ~noiseCr3.free; ~noiseCr4 = Synth(\noiseCrackle, [\out, ~octoBus4, \fadeTime, 30, \lpfa, 0, \hpfa, 1 ]); ~noiseCr4.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 1); ~noiseCr4.free; ( // free them all at once ~noiseCr1.free; ~noiseCr2.free; ~noiseCr3.free; ~noiseCr4.free; ) ~henonS1 = Synth(\henonSynth1, [\out, ~octoBus3, \amp, 0.4, \fadeTime, 4]); ~henonS1.set(\amp, 0.05); ~henonS1.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 1); ~henonS1.free; ~henonS2 = Synth(\henonSynth1, [\out, ~octoBus3, \amp, 0.4, \fadeTime, 4]); ~henonS2.set(\amp, 0.05); ~henonS2.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 1); ~henonS2.free; ~darkHenon1 = Synth(\henonLsynth2, [\out, ~octoBus4, \fadeTime, 10]); ~darkHenon1.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 3); ~darkHenon1.free; ~darkHenon2 = Synth(\henonLsynth2, [\out, ~octoBus4, \fadeTime, 10]); ~darkHenon2.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 3); ~darkHenon2.free; // ~soil1 = Synth(\granSoil, [\out, ~octoBus1, \sndbuf, ~forestSoilBuf, \dur, 0.0001 ,\fadeTime, 20, \amp, 0.8]); ~soil1durBus = Bus.control(s,1); ~soil1durBus.value = 0.0001; ~soil1.map(\dur, ~soil1durBus); ~soil1DurOsc = SynthDef( \soilDurOsc, {Out.kr(~soil1durBus, SinOsc.kr(0.012,1.5pi).range(0.0001, 0.05))} ).play; ~soil1DurOsc.free; ~soil1.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 15); // use envelope to fade out ~soil1.free; // ~soil2 = Synth(\granSoil, [\out, ~octoBus2, \sndbuf, ~forestSoilBuf, \dur, 0.0001 ,\fadeTime, 20, \amp, 0.8]); ~soil2durBus = Bus.control(s,1); ~soil2durBus.value = 0.0001; ~soil2.map(\dur, ~soil2durBus); ~soil2DurOsc = SynthDef( \soilDurOsc, {Out.kr(~soil2durBus, SinOsc.kr(0.029,1.5pi).range(0.0001, 0.08))} ).play; ~soil2DurOsc.free; ~soil2.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 15); // use envelope to fade out "--- starting oscilating duration 2...".postln; wait(120); // ~soil3 = Synth(\granSoil, [\out, ~octoBus2, \sndbuf, ~forestSoilBuf, \dur, 0.0001 ,\fadeTime, 20, \amp, 0.8]); ~soil3durBus = Bus.control(s,1); ~soil3durBus.value = 0.0001; ~soil3.map(\dur, ~soil3durBus); ~soil3.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 15); // use envelope to fade out // ~soil4 = Synth(\granSoil, [\out, ~octoBus2, \sndbuf, ~forestSoilBuf, \dur, 0.0001 ,\fadeTime, 20, \amp, 0.8]); ~soil4durBus = Bus.control(s,1); ~soil4durBus.value = 0.01; ~soil4.map(\dur, ~soil4durBus); ~soil4.set(\fadeTime, 15, \gate, 0); // use envelope to fade out // "--- starting panner1y sin Oscilation ...".postln; ~panner1y = SynthDef(\sinPanY1, { Out.kr(~panBus1y, SinOsc.kr(0.01).range(0.3,0.5))}).play; ~panBus1x.value = 1; ~panBus1r.value = 1; wait(80); "--- starting soil2 ...".postln; "--- starting panner2y sin Oscilation ...".postln; ~panner2y = SynthDef(\sinPanY2, { Out.kr(~panBus2y, SinOsc.kr(0.015).range(0.3,0.5))}).play; ~panBus2x.value = 0; ~panBus2r.value = 1; wait(20); "--- return to static duration, abruptly...".postln; ~panner1y.free; ~panner2y.free; ~panBus1y.value = 0.1; ~soil1.set(\dur, 0.0001); wait(1); ~soil2.set(\dur, 0.0001); ~panBus2y.value = 0.9; "--- fade soils...".postln; wait(3); wait(20); ~soil1DurOsc.free; ~soil2DurOsc.free; ///// TIMELINE - obsolete - to be converted to LIVE TOOLS: ( timeLine = Routine { "--- starting main routine ...".postln; /// SOIL ////////////////////////////////// // forestSoil granulation "\n--- PART 1 ---".postln; "--- starting forestSoil granulation ...".postln; // trigRingz ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "\n--- PART 2 ---".postln; "--- starting lorenzTrig1 ...".postln; ~lorenzTrig1 = Synth(\lorenzTrigRing, [\out, ~octoBus1, \freq, 1400, \amp, 0.5, \fadeTime, 5]); ~panBus1y.value = 0.1; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus1x.value = 1; ~panBus1r.value = 0.1; wait(50); "--- starting stdTrig1 ...".postln; ~stdTrig1 = Synth(\stndTrigRing, [\out, ~octoBus2, \freq,1900, \amp,0.5,\fadeTime, 10]); ~panBus2y.value = 1; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus2x.value = 1; ~panBus2r.value = 0.1; wait(40); "--- starting lorenzTrig2 ...".postln; ~lorenzTrig2 = Synth(\lorenzTrigRing, [\out, ~octoBus3, \freq, 400, \amp, 0.3, \fadeTime, 10, \min, 5, \max, 20]); ~panBus3y.value = 0.14; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus3x.value = 1; ~panBus3r.value = 0.1; wait(30); "--- starting stdTrig2 ...".postln; ~stdTrig2 = Synth(\stndTrigRing, [\freq, 70, \min, 0, \max, 2, \decay, 2, \ffreq, 200, \amp, 0.4, \out, ~octoBus4, \fadeTime, 20]) ; ~panBus4y.value = 0.9; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus4x.value = 0; ~panBus4r.value = 1; wait(20); "--- starting henoTrig1 ...".postln; ~henoTrig1 = Synth(\henoTrigRing, [\out, ~octoBus2, \freq, 2700, \amp, 1, \min, 0.1, \max, 1, \fadeTime, 20]); ~panBus2y.value = 1; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus2x.value = 1; ~panBus2r.value = 1; wait(10); "--- starting henoTrig1 ...".postln; ~gbmanTrig1 = Synth(\gbmanTrigRing, [\out, ~octoBus1, \freq, 139, \decay, 2, \min, 0.2, \max, 1, \amp, 0.4, \fadeTime, 2]); ~panBus1y.value = 0; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus1x.value = 1; ~panBus3x.value = 0; ~panBus1r.value = 50; wait(10); "--- starting latooTrig1 ...".postln; ~latooTrig1 = Synth(\latooTrigRing, [\out, ~octoBus4, \freq, 3300, \decay, 3, \min, 0.2, \max, 1, \amp, 0.2, \fadeTime, 10 ]); wait(10); "--- starting latooTrig2 ...".postln; ~latooTrig2 = Synth(\latooTrigRing, [\out, ~octoBus3, \freq, 4300, \decay, 0.2, \min, 1, \max, 10, \amp, 0.2, \fadeTime, 10 ]); wait(10); "--- starting fhnTrig1 ...".postln; ~fhnTrig1 = Synth(\fhnTrigRing, [\out, ~octoBus2, \freq, 210, \amp, 0.5, \decay, 2, \min, 0.2, \max, 1, \amp, 0.4, \fadeTime, 10]); wait(20); "--- starting fhnTrig3 ...".postln; ~fhnTrig3 = Synth(\fhnTrigRing, [\out, ~octoBus2, \freq, 200, \amp, 0.5, \decay, 2, \min, 0.2, \max, 1, \amp, 0.4, \fadeTime, 10]); wait(20); "--- starting fhnTrig2 ...".postln; ~fhnTrig2 = Synth(\fhnTrigRing, [\out, ~octoBus1, \freq, 2110, \amp, 0.5, \min, 2, \max, 20, \amp, 0.5, \fadeTime, 10]); wait(20); "--- starting ~fmgrainer ...".postln; ~fmgrainer = Routine { 200.do({ x = Synth(\fm_grainer, [ "modfreq", rrand(10,1000), "carfreq", rrand(40,100), \out, ~octoBus1 ]); 1.wait; }); "--- fmgrains done generating new ones ...".postln; }.play; // this one will fade out by itself at some point wait(20); ~panBus1y.value = 0.1; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus1x.value = 0.1; wait(10); ~panBus1y.value = 0.2; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus1x.value = 0.2; wait(10); ~panBus1y.value = 0.3; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus1x.value = 0.3; wait(10); ~panBus1y.value = 0.4; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus1x.value = 0.4; wait(10); ~panBus1y.value = 0.5; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus1x.value = 0.5; wait(20); "--- fading out ~stdTrig1, stdTrig2, lorenzTrig2, henoTrig1...".postln; ~stdTrig1.set(\fadeTime, 5, \gate, 0); ~stdTrig2.set(\fadeTime, 8, \gate, 0); ~lorenzTrig2.set(\fadeTime, 12, \gate, 0); ~henoTrig1.set(\fadeTime, 15, \gate, 0); ~fhnTrig3.set(\fadeTime, 1, \gate, 0); wait(30); "--- fading out ...".postln; ~gbmanTrig1.set(\fadeTime, 15, \gate, 0); ~latooTrig1.set(\fadeTime, 1, \gate, 0); ~latooTrig2.set(\fadeTime, 10, \gate, 0); ~fhnTrig1.set(\fadeTime, 1, \gate, 0); wait(20); "--- fading out lorenzTrgi1 ...".postln; ~lorenzTrig1.set(\fadeTime, 30, \gate, 0); wait(80); "--- fading out fhnTrig2 ...".postln; ~fhnTrig2.set(\fadeTime, 20, \gate, 0); "--- latooWanderings ...".postln; ~latooWan1 = Synth(\latooWanderings, [\out, ~octoBus4, \fadeTime, 30, \amp, 0.3]); ~panBus4y.value = 0.4; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus4x.value = 0; ~panBus4r.value = 10; wait(30); ~panner4y = SynthDef(\randomPanY4, { Out.kr(~panBus4y, LFNoise1.kr(0.9).range(0,1))}).play; // wait(60); "\n--- PART 3 ---".postln; "--- markov1 ...".postln; ~markov1 = Synth(\markovS1, [ \out, ~octoBus1, \freq, 440, \tsize, 3, \amp, 0.3, \clip, 0.69, \fadeTime, 0.01 ]); ~panBus1y.value = 0; ~panBus1x.value = 1; ~panBus1r.value = 1; wait(60); "--- cut markov1 & latooWan, start distbleeps ...".postln; ~markov1.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 0.01); ~latooWan1.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 0.01); ~distbleeps = Synth(\latooTriggers, [\out, ~octoBus3, \trigA, 1.1, \fadeTime, 0.01, \amp, 0.9]); ~panBus3y.value = 1; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus3x.value = 0; ~panBus3r.value = 2; wait(30); "--- markov7 ...".postln; ~panBus2y.value = 1; // set a fixed value to a bus ~panBus2x.value = 1; ~panBus2r.value = 2; ~markov7 = Synth(\markovS1, [ \out, ~octoBus2, \freq, 740, \tsize, 3, \amp, 0.2, \clip, 0.9, \fadeTime, 7 ]); wait(20); "--- fade: markov7, distbleeps ...".postln; ~markov7.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 0.01); ~distbleeps.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 0.01); "--- markov9 ...".postln; ~panner1y = SynthDef(\randomPanY1, { Out.kr(~panBus1y, LFTri.kr(7).range(0,1))}).play; ~panBus1x.value = 1; ~panBus1r.value = 1; ~markov9 = Synth(\markovS1, [ \out, ~octoBus1, \freq, 1940, \tsize, 3, \amp, 0.2, \clip, 0.9, \fadeTime, 0.01 ]); wait(30); "--- fade: markov9 ...".postln; ~markov9.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 0.01); wait(5); "--- markov10,11,12 ...".postln; ~paner2y.free; ~panner3y.free; ~panner4y.free; ~panner2x.free; ~panner3x.free; ~panner4x.free; ~panner2y = SynthDef(\randomPanY2, { Out.kr(~panBus2y, LFNoise1.kr(2).range(0,1))}).play; ~panner3y = SynthDef(\randomPanY3, { Out.kr(~panBus3y, LFNoise1.kr(1).range(0,1))}).play; ~panner4y = SynthDef(\randomPanY4, { Out.kr(~panBus4y, LFNoise1.kr(1).range(0,1))}).play; ~panner2x = SynthDef(\randomPanX2, { Out.kr(~panBus2x, LFPulse.kr(0.3).range(0,1))}).play; ~panner3x = SynthDef(\randomPanX3, { Out.kr(~panBus3x, LFPulse.kr(0.44).range(0,1))}).play; ~panner4x = SynthDef(\randomPanX4, { Out.kr(~panBus4x, LFPulse.kr(0.22).range(0,1))}).play; ~markov10 = Synth(\markovS1, [ \out, ~octoBus4, \freq, 501, \tsize, 3, \amp, 0.2, \clip, 0.9, \fadeTime, 0.01 ]); ~markov11 = Synth(\markovS1, [ \out, ~octoBus3, \freq, 1101, \tsize, 3, \amp, 0.2, \clip, 0.9, \fadeTime, 0.01 ]); ~markov12 = Synth(\markovS1, [ \out, ~octoBus2, \freq, 3001, \tsize, 3, \amp, 0.2, \clip, 0.9, \fadeTime, 0.01 ]); wait(60); "--- fade markov10,11,12 ...".postln; ~panner2y.free; ~panner3y.free; ~panner4y.free; ~panner2x.free; ~panner3x.free; ~panner4x.free; ~panBus2y.value = 1; ~panBus2r.value = 0.1; ~panBus3y.value = 1; ~panBus3r.value = 0.1; ~panBus4y.value = 1; ~panBus4r.value = 0.1; ~markov10.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 50); ~markov11.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 50); ~markov12.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 50); "\n--- PART 4 --- ".postln; "--- noiseCrackle ...".postln; ~panner1y.free; ~panBus1y.value = 0; ~panner1y = SynthDef(\randomPanY1, { Out.kr(~panBus1y, LFNoise1.kr(0.1).range(0,1))}).play; ~panBus1x.value = 0; ~panBus1r.value = 0.5; ~noiseCr1 = Synth(\noiseCrackle, [\out, ~octoBus1, \fadeTime, 30 ]); wait(40); "--- darkHenon ...".postln; ~panBus4x.value = 1; //~panBus4y.value = 1; ~panBus4r.value = 2; ~panner4y.free; ~panner4y = SynthDef(\sinPanY4, { Out.kr(~panBus4y, SinOsc.kr(0.05).range(0,1))}).play; ~panBus4r.value = 0.1; ~darkHenon1 = Synth(\henonLsynth2, [\out, ~octoBus4, \fadeTime, 0]); wait(40); ( ~darkHenon1 = Synth(\henonLsynth2, [\out, ~octoBus4, \fadeTime, 0]); ~henonS1 = Synth(\henonSynth1, [\out, ~octoBus3, \amp, 0.4, \fadeTime, 0]); ) "--- henonS1 ...".postln; ~henonS1 = Synth(\henonSynth1, [\out, ~octoBus3, \amp, 0.4, \fadeTime, 40]); "--- noiseCrackle fade ...".postln; ~noiseCr1.set(\fadeTime, 90, \gate,0); ~noiseCr1.set(\fadeTime, 9, \gate,0); ~panBus3x.value = 0; ~panBus3y.value = 1; ~panner3y.free; ~panner3y = SynthDef(\sinPanY3, { Out.kr(~panBus3y, SinOsc.kr(0.08).range(0,1))}).play; ~panBus3r.value = 2; wait(120); "--- final fade henonS1, darkHenon ...".postln; ~darkHenon1.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 6); wait(30); ~henonS1.set(\gate, 0, \fadeTime, 1); wait(60); ~panner1y.free; ~panner3y.free; ~panner4y.free; "--- end of the TIMELINE ---".postln }; //timeLine.play; ); // testing stuff! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ~hpfHenon = Synth(\henonLsynth1, [\out, ~octoBus3, \hpfreqmin, 100]); ~hpfHenon = Synth(\henonLsynth1, [\out, ~octoBus1, \hpfreqmin, 100]); ~hpfHenon.set(\hpfreqmin, 1000) ~hpfHenon.free; ~bassLatoo = Synth(\latooThroBass, [\out, ~octoBus1, \amp, 0.2]); ~bassLatoo.free; ~henonSquare = Synth(\henonSquare, [\out, ~octoBus1, \amp, 0.2]); ~henonSquare.set(\gate,0); // recording //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -