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// a function to position sound in space
~octoPanOut = {
arg in, in_x, in_y, fact;
var s1_x=0, s1_y=0, s1_amp,
s2_x=0, s2_y=360, s2_amp,
s3_x=0, s3_y=720, s3_amp,
s4_x=0, s4_y=1080, s4_amp,
s5_x=650, s5_y=1260, s5_amp,
s6_x=650, s6_y=900, s6_amp,
s7_x=650, s7_y=540, s7_amp,
s8_x=650, s8_y=180, s8_amp ;
var factor = (1 / (5000000 * fact)); // exponential curve of amplification calculated from distance? log????
//var distance = {|x1,y1,x2,y2| ((x2-x1).squared + (y2-y1).squared).sqrt};
var distance = {|x1,y1,x2,y2| (x2-x1) hypot: (y2-y1) }; // hypothenuse
var amp = 1 / (1 + (distance.cubed * factor));
//in_x = (in_x + 1) * 0.5 * 650;
in_x = in_x * 650;
//in_y = (in_y + 1) * 0.5 * 1260;
in_y = in_y * 1260;
s1_amp = amp.value(in_x,in_y,s1_x,s1_y);
s2_amp = amp.value(in_x,in_y,s2_x,s2_y);
s3_amp = amp.value(in_x,in_y,s3_x,s3_y);
s4_amp = amp.value(in_x,in_y,s4_x,s4_y);
s5_amp = amp.value(in_x,in_y,s5_x,s5_y);
s6_amp = amp.value(in_x,in_y,s6_x,s6_y);
s7_amp = amp.value(in_x,in_y,s7_x,s7_y);
s8_amp = amp.value(in_x,in_y,s8_x,s8_y);
[in * s1_amp, in * s2_amp, in * s3_amp, in * s4_amp, in * s5_amp, in * s6_amp, in * s7_amp, in * s8_amp]
SynthDef("octoPanner", {
arg inBus, x=0, y=0.14, radius=1;
var snd = In.ar(inBus,1);
snd = ~octoPanOut.value(snd, x, y, radius);
Out.ar(0, snd);
// pseudo-UGen proposition by 'elgiano'
// https://scsynth.org/t/simple-spatialisation-function-synthdef-pseudo-ugen-or-ugen/1783/5
OctoPan : MultiOutUGen {
classvar <>speakers = #[
*ar { arg in,x=0,y=0,speakers;
^this.multiNew('audio', in,x,y);
*new1 { arg rate,in,x,y;
var amps = this.speakers.collect{|coords|
var dist = coords - [x,y];