Fork 0

263 lines
9.2 KiB

Copyright (c) 2020 Luka Prinčič, All rights reserved.
This program is free software distributed under
GNU General Public Licence. See COPYING for more info.
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// TECHNOKINSHIP - OCTOPODA ////////////////////////////////////
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╚██████╔╝╚██████╗ ██║ ╚██████╔╝██║ ╚██████╔╝██████╔╝██║ ██║
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#[\internal, \local].do { |s|
s = Server.perform(s);
s.options.numInputBusChannels = 2;
s.options.numOutputBusChannels = 8;
s.options.memSize = 2097152; // 2 gigs
Server.default.waitForBoot {
// library path
var libPath = PathName(thisProcess.nowExecutingPath.dirname +/+ "lib");
// for each files in that lib folder
// tell me what you're executing:
postln(" ." + afile.fileName);
// execute it:
// octoPan busses //////////////
// free busses and panners when re-trying things?
~octoBus1.free; ~octoBus2.free; ~octoBus3.free; ~octoBus4.free;
~panBus1x.free; ~panBus1y.free; ~panBus1r.free;
~panBus2x.free; ~panBus2y.free; ~panBus2r.free;
~panBus3x.free; ~panBus3y.free; ~panBus3r.free;
~panBus4x.free; ~panBus4y.free; ~panBus4r.free;
// octoBus1 + panners and control busses:
~octoBus1 = Bus.audio(s,1);
~panBus1x = Bus.control(s,1);
~panBus1y = Bus.control(s,1);
~panBus1r = Bus.control(s,1);
~panBus1y.value = 0.14; // set a fixed value to a bus
~panBus1x.value = 0;
~panBus1r.value = 1;
// octoBus2 + panners and control busses:
~octoBus2 = Bus.audio(s,1);
~panBus2x = Bus.control(s,1);
~panBus2y = Bus.control(s,1);
~panBus2r = Bus.control(s,1);
~panBus2y.value = 0.14; // set a fixed value to a bus
~panBus2x.value = 0;
~panBus2r.value = 2;
// octoBus3 + panners and control busses:
~octoBus3 = Bus.audio(s,1);
~panBus3x = Bus.control(s,1);
~panBus3y = Bus.control(s,1);
~panBus3r = Bus.control(s,1);
~panBus3y.value = 0.14; // set a fixed value to a bus
~panBus3x.value = 0;
~panBus3r.value = 2;
// octoBus4 + panners and control busses:
~octoBus4 = Bus.audio(s,1);
~panBus4x = Bus.control(s,1);
~panBus4y = Bus.control(s,1);
~panBus4r = Bus.control(s,1);
~panBus4y.value = 0.14; // set a fixed value to a bus
~panBus4x.value = 0;
~panBus4r.value = 2;
// 8chan reverb bus
~revBus = Bus.audio(s,8);
">>> loaded all busses".postln;
r = Recorder(s);
r.recHeaderFormat = "wav";
( ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var timeLine;
"--- O C T O P O D A -----".postln;
"--- loading octoPanners ...".postln;
~octoPanner1 = Synth("octoPanner", [\inBus, ~octoBus1, \outBus, ~revBus], addAction: \addToTail);
~octoPanner1.map(\x, ~panBus1x);
~octoPanner1.map(\y, ~panBus1y);
~octoPanner1.map(\radius, ~panBus1r);
~octoPanner2 = Synth("octoPanner", [\inBus, ~octoBus2, \outBus, ~revBus], addAction: \addToTail);
~octoPanner2.map(\x, ~panBus2x);
~octoPanner2.map(\y, ~panBus2y);
~octoPanner2.map(\radius, ~panBus2r);
~octoPanner3 = Synth("octoPanner", [\inBus, ~octoBus3, \outBus, ~revBus], addAction: \addToTail);
~octoPanner3.map(\x, ~panBus3x);
~octoPanner3.map(\y, ~panBus3y);
~octoPanner3.map(\radius, ~panBus3r);
~octoPanner4 = Synth("octoPanner", [\inBus, ~octoBus4, \outBus, ~revBus], addAction: \addToTail);
~octoPanner4.map(\x, ~panBus4x);
~octoPanner4.map(\y, ~panBus4y);
~octoPanner4.map(\radius, ~panBus4r);
// 4 x stereo reverbs are fixed to outputs ([0,1][2,3][4,5][6,7]) not panners!
~reverb = Synth("reverBusser", [\inBus, ~revBus, \outBus, 0], addAction: \addToTail);
// some default oscilations of pan and reverb
~panner1y.free; ~panner2y.free; ~panner3y.free; ~panner4y.free;
~panner1x.free; ~panner2x.free; ~panner3x.free; ~panner4x.free;
~reverb1wetBus.free; // ~wetOsc.free; // clean up
~reverb2wetBus.free; // ~wetOsc.free; // clean up
~reverb3wetBus.free; // ~wetOsc.free; // clean up
~reverb4wetBus.free; // ~wetOsc.free; // clean up
~reverb1wetBus = Bus.control(s, 1); // create control bus
~reverb.map(\verb1wet, ~reverb1wetBus); // map an argument to control bus
~reverb2wetBus = Bus.control(s, 1); // create control bus
~reverb.map(\verb2wet, ~reverb2wetBus); // map an argument to control bus
~reverb3wetBus = Bus.control(s, 1); // create control bus
~reverb.map(\verb3wet, ~reverb3wetBus); // map an argument to control bus
~reverb4wetBus = Bus.control(s, 1); // create control bus
~reverb.map(\verb4wet, ~reverb4wetBus); // map an argument to control bus
~wetOsc1.free; ~wetOsc2.free; ~wetOsc3.free; ~wetOsc4.free;
~wetOsc1 = SynthDef(\randomVerb1, {Out.kr(~reverb1wetBus, LFNoise2.kr(1).range(0, 0.8)) }).play;
~wetOsc2 = SynthDef(\randomVerb2, {Out.kr(~reverb2wetBus, LFNoise2.kr(1).range(0, 0.8)) }).play;
~wetOsc3 = SynthDef(\randomVerb3, {Out.kr(~reverb3wetBus, LFNoise2.kr(1).range(0, 0.8)) }).play;
~wetOsc4 = SynthDef(\randomVerb4, {Out.kr(~reverb4wetBus, LFNoise2.kr(1).range(0, 0.8)) }).play;
// ~wetOsc.free;
// ~reverb.set(\verb1wet, 0);
// ~reverb.set(\verb1wet, 1);
// ~reverb.set(\verb2wet, 1);
//var timeLine;
timeLine = Routine {
"--- starting main routine ...".postln;
"--- end of the TIMELINE ---".postln
// testing stuff! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// do stuff with panning:
"--- starting panner1y sin Oscilation ...".postln;
~panner1y = SynthDef(\sinPanY1, { Out.kr(~panBus1y, SinOsc.kr(0.01).range(0.3,0.5))}).play;
~panBus1x.value = 1;
~panBus1r.value = 1;
"--- return to static duration, abruptly...".postln;
~panner1y.free; ~panner2y.free;
~panBus1y.value = 0.1;
~soil1.set(\dur, 0.0001);
~soil2.set(\dur, 0.0001);
~panBus2y.value = 0.9;
~panBus1y.value = 0; // set a fixed value to a bus
~panBus1x.value = 0;
~panBus1r.value = 0.1;
// or
~paner2y.free; ~panner3y.free; ~panner4y.free; ~panner2x.free; ~panner3x.free; ~panner4x.free;
~panner1y = SynthDef(\randomPanY1, { Out.kr(~panBus1y, LFNoise1.kr(0.1).range(0,1))}).play;
~panner2y = SynthDef(\randomPanY2, { Out.kr(~panBus2y, LFNoise1.kr(2).range(0,1))}).play;
~panner3y = SynthDef(\randomPanY3, { Out.kr(~panBus3y, LFNoise1.kr(1).range(0,1))}).play;
~panner4y = SynthDef(\randomPanY4, { Out.kr(~panBus4y, LFNoise1.kr(1).range(0,1))}).play;
~panner2x = SynthDef(\randomPanX2, { Out.kr(~panBus2x, LFPulse.kr(0.3).range(0,1))}).play;
~panner3x = SynthDef(\randomPanX3, { Out.kr(~panBus3x, LFPulse.kr(0.44).range(0,1))}).play;
~panner4x = SynthDef(\randomPanX4, { Out.kr(~panBus4x, LFPulse.kr(0.22).range(0,1))}).play;
// ... etc /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
SynthDef(\fhnTrigRing, {
arg out=0, freq=1000, min=1, max=10, decay=0.1, ffreq=1000, amp=1, gate=1, fadeTime=1;
var snd, in, env;
in = FhnTrig.ar(min,max);
snd = Ringz.ar(in, freq, decay);
snd = LPF.ar(snd, ffreq);
env = EnvGen.kr(
Env([0, 1, 0], [fadeTime, fadeTime], \sin, 1),
gate, doneAction: Done.freeSelf);
snd = snd * env * amp;
~fhnTrig2 = Synth(\fhnTrigRing, [\out, ~octoBus1, \freq, 2110, \amp, 0.5, \min, 2, \max, 20, \amp, 0.5, \fadeTime, 10]);
~hpfHenon = Synth(\henonLsynth1, [\out, ~octoBus3, \hpfreqmin, 100]);
~hpfHenon = Synth(\henonLsynth1, [\out, ~octoBus1, \hpfreqmin, 100]);
~hpfHenon.set(\hpfreqmin, 1000)
~bassLatoo = Synth(\latooThroBass, [\out, ~octoBus1, \amp, 0.2]);
~henonSquare = Synth(\henonSquare, [\out, ~octoBus1, \amp, 0.2]);
// recording
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