/* This file is part of "Interface Fractures III - Silicon". Copyright (c) 2015 Luka Prinčič, All rights reserved. This program is free software distributed under GNU General Public Licence. See COPYING for more info. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - gui_main.scd - responsible for GUI elements under the 'main' tab ... ********************************************************** */ ~tab_views[~tab_names.at("main")].layout = HLayout( nil, HLayout( nil, Button() .states_([ ["Clock"], ["Clock", Color.gray(0.2), Color.grey(0.8)] ]) .mouseDownAction_({ | state | switch(state.value, 0, { postln("\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "); postln("~~~ starting clock!"); TempoClock.default.sched(0, ~mainTimeline); ~mainTimeline.reset; }, 1, { postln("\n~~~ stopping clock!"); ~mainTimeline.stop; //~mainTimeline.reset; postln("~~~ some synths might still be running"); } ); }) .minHeight_(70).minWidth_(70), nil, Button().minHeight_(70).minWidth_(70) .states_([ ["draw Spectrum"], ["draw Spectrum", Color.gray(0.2), Color.grey(0.8)] ]) .mouseDownAction_({ | state | switch(state.value, 0, { postln("~~~ draw Spectrum on!"); ~zarquOsc.sendMsg("/sc", "drawSpectrumToggle", 1); }, 1, { postln("~~~ draw Spectrum off!"); ~zarquOsc.sendMsg("/sc", "drawSpectrumToggle", 0); } ); }), Button().minHeight_(70).minWidth_(70) .states_([ ["Test pattern"], ["Test pattern", Color.gray(0.2), Color.grey(0.8)] ]) .mouseDownAction_({ | state | switch(state.value, 0, { postln("~~~ test pattern on!"); ~zarquOsc.sendMsg("/sc", "testPatternToggle", 1); }, 1, { postln("~~~ test pattern off!"); ~zarquOsc.sendMsg("/sc", "testPatternToggle", 0); } ); }), Button().minHeight_(70).minWidth_(70) .states_([ ["Test picture"], ["Test picture", Color.gray(0.2), Color.grey(0.8)] ]) .mouseDownAction_({ | state | switch(state.value, 0, { postln("~~~ test picture on!"); ~zarquOsc.sendMsg("/sc", "testPictureToggle", 1); }, 1, { postln("~~~ test pattern off!"); ~zarquOsc.sendMsg("/sc", "testPictureToggle", 0); } ); }), nil ), nil );