
274 lines
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2015-04-03 19:42:38 +02:00
/* *************************************************************************
_____ ____ __. /\ ____________________ _____
/ | || |/ _| / / \______ \______ \/ \
/ | || < / / | | _/| ___/ \ / \
/ ^ / | \ / / | | \| | / Y \
\____ ||____|__ \ / / |______ /|____| \____|__ /
|__| \/ \/ \/ \/
__________________ .____ ________ __
/ _____/\_ ___ \| | \_____ \_______| | __
\_____ \ / \ \/| | / | \_ __ \ |/ /
/ \\ \___| |___/ | \ | \/ <
/_______ / \______ /_______ \_______ /__| |__|_ \
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/
"4K/BPM SCLOrk" for Santa Clara University Laptop Orchestra
by Luka Prinčič / Nova deViator <nova@deviator.si>
2015-04-03 19:42:38 +02:00
thanks to Bruno Ruviaro
adapted from 4K/BPM Sonoretum patch, released and
installed at Sonoretum project / Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana
thanks to Marko Košnik, Sandra Sajovic and Jurij Krpan
released under GNU GPL. feel free to copy, reuse, remix,
2015-04-03 19:42:38 +02:00
provided that you share under same conditions: GNU GPL.
***************************************************************************** */
/* *************************************************************************************
2015-04-09 15:58:14 +02:00
MIDIdef.cc(\midilfTri, { | val | ~lfTri.set(\gain, val/127); }, 0 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midikindaBass, { | val | ~kindaBass.set(\gain, val/127); }, 1 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midiwierdBleep, { | val | ~wierdBleep.set(\gain, val/127); }, 2 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midisine666, { | val | ~sine666.set(\gain, val/127); }, 3 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midilFPar1, { | val | ~lFPar1.set(\gain, val/127); }, 4 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midilowCub, { | val | ~lowCub.set(\gain, val/127); }, 5 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midimidCub, { | val | ~midCub.set(\gain, val/127); }, 6 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midihiCub, { | val | ~hiCub.set(\gain, val/127); }, 7 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midiaddCub, { | val | ~addCub.set(\gain, val/127); }, 8 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midisine356, { | val | ~sine365.set(\gain, val/127); }, 9 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midisin800, { | val | ~sin800.set(\gain, val/127); }, 10 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midisin5800, { | val | ~sin5800.set(\gain, val/127); }, 11 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midicub820, { | val | ~cub820.set(\gain, val/127); }, 12 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midilfPar7820, { | val | ~lfPar7820.set(\gain, val/127); }, 13 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midiwhite1, { | val | ~white1.set(\gain, val/127); }, 14 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midiwhite2, { | val | ~white2.set(\gain, val/127); }, 15 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midiwhite3, { | val | ~white3.set(\gain, val/127); }, 16 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midiwhite4, { | val | ~white4.set(\gain, val/127); }, 17 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midisine56, { | val | ~sine65.set(\gain, val/127); }, 18 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midilowCub2, { | val | ~lowCub2.set(\gain, val/127); }, 19 );
2015-04-09 15:58:14 +02:00
MIDIdef.cc(\midiwhite5, { | val | ~white5.set(\gain, val/127); }, 20 );
MIDIdef.cc(\midibrown1, { | val | ~brown1.set(\gain, val/127); }, 21 );
2015-04-09 15:58:14 +02:00
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// effects and master out midi control
2015-04-09 15:58:14 +02:00
MIDIdef.cc(\midifXcombWet, { | val | ~fX.set(\combWet, val/300); }, 60 ); // comb filter WET
MIDIdef.cc(\midifXlpfCutoff, { | val |
var cutoff; cutoff = (exp(val/12)+50).asInt.min(20000);
2015-04-09 15:58:14 +02:00
~fX.set(\lpfCutoff, cutoff); }, 61 ); // LPF cutoff freq
2015-04-09 15:58:14 +02:00
MIDIdef.cc(\midifXreverbWet, { | val | ~fX.set(\reverbWet, val/300); }, 62 ); // Reverb WET
2015-04-09 15:58:14 +02:00
MIDIdef.cc(\midifXgain, { | val | ~fX.set(\gain, val/127); }, 63 ); // MASTER OUT
2015-04-09 15:58:14 +02:00
/* *************************************************************************************
**************************** */
v = Main.elapsedTime.ceil;
t = TempoClock(1, 0, v);
t.schedAbs(0, {
~fX = (instrument: \fX).play;
~kindaBass = (instrument: \kindaBass).play;
~wierdBleep = (instrument: \wierdBleep).play;
~sine666 = (instrument: \sine666).play;
~lFPar1 = (instrument: \LFPar1).play;
~lowCub = (instrument: \lowCub).play;
~lowCub2 = (instrument: \lowCub2).play;
~midCub = (instrument: \midCub).play;
~hiCub = (instrument: \hiCub).play;
~addCub = (instrument: \addCub).play;
~sine365 = (instrument: \sine365).play;
~sine65 = (instrument: \sine65).play;
~sin800 = (instrument: \sin800).play;
~sin5800 = (instrument: \sin5800).play;
~cub820 = (instrument: \cub820).play;
~lfPar7820 = (instrument: \lfPar7820).play;
~white1 = (instrument: \white1).play;
~white2 = (instrument: \white2).play;
~white3 = (instrument: \white3).play;
~white4 = (instrument: \white4).play;
~lfTri = (instrument: \lfTri).play;
2015-04-09 15:58:14 +02:00
~white5 = (instrument: \white5).play;
~brown1 = (instrument: \brown1).play;
2015-04-03 19:42:38 +02:00
// HERE BE SOME FUNKY VARIABLES ///////////////////////////////////////
// SCALES! //
~aSc = Scale.minorPentatonic; // define scale type
~freqTrig = { Impulse.kr(rrand(0.01,0.05)); }; // how fast the note changes
~freqOff = {rrand(0.98, 1.02);}; // detune a bit
// define one var for each octave for use in SynthDefs
~freqVar3 = { (Demand.kr(~freqTrig, 0, (Dxrand(~aSc.semitones, inf))) + (12 * 3) ).midicps * ~freqOff };
~freqVar4 = { (Demand.kr(~freqTrig, 0, (Dxrand(~aSc.semitones, inf))) + (12 * 4) ).midicps * ~freqOff };
~freqVar5 = { (Demand.kr(~freqTrig, 0, (Dxrand(~aSc.semitones, inf))) + (12 * 5) ).midicps * ~freqOff };
~freqVar6 = { (Demand.kr(~freqTrig, 0, (Dxrand(~aSc.semitones, inf))) + (12 * 6) ).midicps * ~freqOff };
~freqVar7 = { (Demand.kr(~freqTrig, 0, (Dxrand(~aSc.semitones, inf))) + (12 * 7) ).midicps * ~freqOff };
~freqVar8 = { (Demand.kr(~freqTrig, 0, (Dxrand(~aSc.semitones, inf))) + (12 * 8) ).midicps * ~freqOff };
~chanExpan = [1,1]; // multi channel expansion (just stereo here)
~bpm = 1; // bpm, for now constant, it could drift...
/* *************************************************************************************
******************************* */
2015-04-03 19:42:38 +02:00
SynthDef(\kindaBass, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = SinOsc.ar( ((LFSaw.kr(-0.05,1) + 1) * 100 + 40 ), LFTri.kr(40,0,1),
LFSaw.kr(1.5 * ~bpm) ) * 0.5 * ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\wierdBleep, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = LFPulse.ar(~freqVar3, 0, 0.5, LFPulse.kr((1/2) * ~bpm, 0.5, 0.03, 0.05))
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\sine666, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = SinOsc.ar(~freqVar4, 0, LFPulse.kr((2/3) * ~bpm, 0.5, 0.3) * 0.3)
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\LFPar1, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = LFPar.ar(~freqVar4, 0, LFPulse.kr((1/2) * ~bpm, 0.5,0.2) * 0.3)
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\lowCub, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = LFCub.ar(~freqVar3, 0, LFPulse.kr((1/2) * ~bpm, 0.74,0.2) * 0.3)
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\lowCub2, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = LFCub.ar(~freqVar3, 0, LFPulse.kr((4/3) * ~bpm, 0.74,0.2) * 0.3)
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\midCub, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = LFCub.ar(~freqVar5, 0, LFPulse.kr((1/2) * ~bpm, 0.74,0.1) * 0.2)
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\hiCub, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = LFCub.ar(~freqVar7, 0, LFPulse.kr((4/3) * ~bpm, 0.76, SinOsc.kr(rrand(0.01,0.001),mul:0.05, add:0.055)) * 0.1)
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\addCub, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = LFCub.ar(~freqVar7, 0, LFPulse.kr((5/3) * ~bpm, 0.24, SinOsc.kr(rrand(0.01,0.001),mul:0.05, add:0.055) )*0.1)
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\sine65, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = SinOsc.ar(~freqVar3, 0, LFPulse.kr( (1) * ~bpm, 0, 0.1)*0.3)
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\sine365, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = SinOsc.ar(~freqVar4, 0, LFPulse.kr( (4/3) * ~bpm, 0, 0.1)*0.3)
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\sin800, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = SinOsc.ar(~freqVar5, 0, LFPulse.kr(2 * ~bpm,0,0.1)*0.1)
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\sin5800, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = SinOsc.ar(~freqVar8, 0, LFPulse.kr(2 * ~bpm,0, SinOsc.kr(rrand(0.01,0.001),mul:0.05, add:0.055))*0.1)
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\cub820, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = LFCub.ar(~freqVar5, 0, LFPulse.kr( (5/3) * ~bpm, 0, 0.1)*0.1)
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\lfPar7820, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = LFPar.ar(~freqVar8, 0, LFPulse.kr( (5/3) * ~bpm, 0, 0.03)*0.1)
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\white1, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = WhiteNoise.ar( LFPulse.kr(2 * ~bpm,0.5,0.001,1) )/2
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\white2, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = WhiteNoise.ar( LFPulse.kr(1 * ~bpm,0.5,0.001,1) )/2
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\white3, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = WhiteNoise.ar( LFPulse.kr( (5/3) * ~bpm,0.5,0.001,1) )/4
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\white4, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = WhiteNoise.ar( LFPulse.kr( (4/3) * ~bpm,0.5,0.001,1) )/4
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\lfTri, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = LFTri.ar(~freqVar4, 0, LFPulse.kr(0.5 * ~bpm,0.25,0.01)*0.3)
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
2015-04-09 15:58:14 +02:00
SynthDef(\white5, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = RHPF.ar(WhiteNoise.ar( LFPulse.kr( (1/8) * ~bpm,0.5,0.1,1) ),4000)*0.05
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
SynthDef(\brown1, { | out=0, gain=0 |
out = RLPF.ar(BrownNoise.ar( LFPulse.kr( (1/9) * ~bpm,0.5,0.05,1) ),8000)*0.1
* ~chanExpan * gain;
OffsetOut.ar(0, out); }).add;
// effects!
SynthDef(\fX, { | in=0, out=0, reverbWet=0, combWet=0, lpfCutoff=20000, gain=0.4 |
var input, output;
input = In.ar(in, 2);
output = CombC.ar(in:input, // comb filter
add:0.05 ),
output = BLowPass4.ar(in:output, freq:lpfCutoff, rq:1); // low pass filter
output = Limiter.ar((output*0.9), 0.95, 0.01); // limiter
output = output + FreeVerb.ar(output*reverbWet, 1, rrand(0.5,1), 0.1); // reverb
output = output * gain; // gain control
2015-04-09 15:58:14 +02:00
output = [output,output,output,output]; // send it to 4 channels
ReplaceOut.ar(out, output); // replace the audio on the bus!
2015-04-09 15:58:14 +02:00
//Out.ar(2, out);
/* ************************************************************************************************* */
// END